Thursday, 21 October 2010

Contents Page

       On my contents pages I have tried to keep a similar theme to the front cover by continuing the font used and the colours used.
      On the left hand side I have put in an advert for the media trip to New York, which includes a building from the college in the Manhattan skyline.  I also included the statue of liberty and to add some humour; I merged a familiar face from the college onto it. I think this will add some more interest from the target audience as teenagers love a bit of humour.
     On the right hand side of the page I have the contents list. It features the same font used as on the front cover, it also features logos from "Subway" and "NUS" which are both linked with the college as "Subway" provides sandwiches for the colleges. I have also included an image of a student at the college and a background that shows the "OAK building" from the college. I took this image on the grass; I did this to continue some of the colour scheme (green and purple) in the background. I also added a green box (which is slightly opaque; in order to see the background) which makes the text easier to read for the audience.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Interpretation of Brief (Using LIIAR)

In the task set for me, I must use LIIAR to help me create a high quality product.

                 I should include a few connontations of magazines, specificly ones aimed at college students (people aged 16-18). Although they are of a different genre, magazines such as Kerrang! and NME follow similar connotations, such as; a large masthead, a main heading across the pagehey both have large sales (mainly to 16-18 year olds) and so if I can follow some similar connotations my magazine will appeal to my target audience.

                The company/institution is the college itself. Creating a magazine for it's students.

              This magazine isn't aimed at any social groups in particular, just college students in general. It is purely to help college students find out the news in the college, and also help with problems they are facing.

               The target audience of the magazine are students of the college.  (Ages 16 onwards)
                       The magazine represents the college. It uses the colleges colours and part of it's logo to create the masthead.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Final Cover

I have followed a connotation used by magazines aimed at a similar target
audience. These connotations are the borders around the text and a main
heading going right across the page. This will add an extra appeal to my target
audience as it is something they are familiar with. It is also something that
when they see they will know that this magazine is aimed at them.
It also fills the page more, removing the boring blank spaces.
Another addition I have made is that i have added an image of the library
("Keith's Kingdom") as it is going to be used in an article later on in
the magazine. It also covers up boring blank space.

Second Draft of Cover

This is my second draft. I decided to change the main image of the magazine
and put an actual student in it. I am sure that this will add more appeal
to my magazine. I have also added more information about the
magazine, such as; headlines featured, date of the magazine and I have
changed the font of the heading to a more "friendly" font.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

First Draft Of Cover

       My first draft of the cover. I came about the name almost instantly, "WM" meaning "Wyke Mag". It was also very easy to create a masthead as i just used the "W" from the wyke college logo, copied it, and flipped the copy upside down to create an "M".
       For the slogan I used an informal type phrase; "It's a college thing". It is also like a phrase often used by teenagers; "It's a boy thing" or "It's a girl thing" to show that whatever the person has done is something commonly done by a boy/girl. 
       For my first draft I decided to use a picture I had taken of the college Librarian. I took image firstly for my photography work, but I thought it might work well as a main image for now. However I think that students would relate to the magazine more if an actual student was on the cover instead of the librarian.
       I decided to charge 20p for the magazine as it is not a sum of money that is unaffordable for college students and it would also bring some extra funds to the college.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Idea Development

                                                                               Image Of Student (Robbie Gillyon) Used on contents page.

                                                                              Image Of  Student (Jake Vollans) Used on contents page.

                                                             Image Of  "OAK building" (taken from grassy floor) Used on contents page.

Image of Wyke Library used on front cover.

Image of College Student (Jake Vollans) main image on contents page.

Image of Wyke's OAK building used on contents page (part of advertisement).

Image of Wyke's Wilson building, not used as there was no space for it and also no need for it.

Image of Wyke's Garden, not used as there was also no need for it.

Image of Wyke's ASH building. Not used as there was no need/space for this image.

Image of Wyke Librarian (Keith Mawer). Used on front cover to promote inside article. Was also main image on draft 1.

Hand Drawn Design

Tuesday, 5 October 2010


We where set the task of using a design software (adobe photoshop) to create the front page and contents of a new magazine for our college. Featuring a masthead, an image in slight close up and some text laid out in correct places on the cover.  We where also told to create a contents page for the magazine to show our skills on photoshop.