Sunday, 12 December 2010

Market Research of Magazines (Using LIIAR)


Language - The mast head is placed at the very top of the cover, usually the mast head is located at the left hand side of the page but kerrang goes against this convention and spreads across the top (like a banner). It has a distorted and ripped look about it due to the smashed effect put on the text, this connotes the genre of rock (as a convention of rock is being rebellious and breaking things). The name "kerrang" is a form of onomatopoeia as it is the sound made when playing a power chord on the electric guitar. I think this is clever because most of the music featured uses an electric guitar and includes power chords.(!)
The image of "the king blues" shows a very laid back look. "Itch", the man on the right, is stood on side which shows a comfortable feeling. He is also more in the foreground, which could show that Itch is the main man of the band. A mid-shot has been used, this is a common convention within a music magazine. There is a yellow banner headline across the middle of the page which is placed on top of the image of "the king blues". It also gives anchorage to the text by giving more detail to the topics which they will be focusing on. The banner is obviously connected to  the image because it is on top of the image but also by the use of yellow in the text which relates to Itch's yellow top, however this second connection is not always reliable as there is an image of hayley williams in the bottom left corner, who is also wearing a yellow top. The bar code is placed in an unconventional way as it is placed portrait, unlike the like conventional landscape which we are all used to. The price of £2.20 shows that the magazine considers the income of the target audience (teens and students) as they have a low income, but will be able to afford a £2.20 magazine. 
The house style of the front page is ripped and messy. This relates to the genre as punk connotes, breaking things and being loud. The three main colours used on the front page are black, yellow and small amounts of red. I think the reasons behind these colours are because of some of their connotations, for example, the colour black can be seen as being powerful and dominant. Yellow is energetic (electric) whereas red is passionate.
The contents page is quite unconventional in the way it has been laid out as it is unusual to see the page being divided into halves, one featuring images of artists and the other being the text on the contents page. This shows a different approach has been took compa The house style has stayed consistent throughout the front, contents and double page spread yet the double page spread is slightly more structured and tidy, giving the article a more professional feel, this is so that it is easy for the reader. A caption and strapline have been used on one of the pages of the double page spread.

Institution - Kerrang is produced by the media company Bauer.

Ideology - Kerrangs ideology has shows that rock music is reckless, fun and care-free.

Audience - I believe that the target audience for Kerrang is people aged between 15-24 because of the bands/ artists used. The pricing for the magazine is fairly cheap and something that people in this age bracket should be able to afford on a weekly basis. Kerrang magazine includes a much wider range of genres than most prodominantly rock magazines as it also focuses on other types of genres and sub-genres such as "pop" and "pop rock", therefore it has a larger audience to supply for weekly, the price is really reasonable, costing £2.20 per week.

Representation - I feel Kerrang have an accurate attitude towards the "rock" as the layout of the whole magazine include many connotations of rock music. I really like how the magazine is layed out and I want to set mine out in a similar way. Kerrang are one of the most dominant magazines in the industry, it is very suitable to the audience chosen and the way it portrays it's bands, shows how passionate Kerrang are about rock music.

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